Thursday, November 29, 2012

Silver 'n Gold at Christmas...YES!

This time of year, whenever I hear about Silver 'n Gold, I picture Burl Ives - the voice of the Snowman on the old TV classic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" - singing "Silver and Gold." CLICK HERE. Now more than ever, people are realizing the wisdom and necessity of having these precious metals in their possession. 

While wealthy people buy assets, po' folk tend to buy liabilities. In other words, if one's wealth is tied-up in something that depreciates - like paper dollar bills, for example - that person owns nothing but a liability. 

I keep having this same conversation with people lately; frankly, they don't appear to be "getting it." My response to their money problem is obviously so far outside the box, they simply cannot, in most instances, wrap their minds around the concept. The result? They do nothing but complain about how little money they have and how expensive things are getting. But what are they doing to change things and get them moving in their favor?

Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results?


I'm just trying to help my friends and family. So, if you are one of those who are intrigued by the concept of exchanging paper for precious metals, but would never do this for yourself, send me your money - whatever amount you can afford - and I will turn your paper money into valuable Junk Silver coins (Pre-'65 U.S. coins) on your behalf. 

I'm not kidding.

Why Junk Silver? Because most of these coins contain 90% silver and once served as legal tender for everyday items. You need to buy Junk Silver for both investment and survival purposes ('Junk' silver basically means the coin’s value is based solely on its metal content, which is much different than 'scrap' silver). While Junk Silver coins do not contain an even amount of bullion, like a 1-oz American Silver Eagle, they do possess qualities that make them preferable to bullion coins. 
For example, these Pre-'65 U.S. half-dollars, quarters and dimes can serve as a means of survival in the event of an economic collapse. Other benefits include:
  • A Hedge against Inflation – a 90% junk silver quarter was $0.25 in 1964. Today, it’s well over $5!! A few days ago, I asked my Silver Dealer what ten Pre-'65 dimes were worth. Her answer: $25.33! That's right... ten dimes are worth more than a $20 bill! Give yourself a raise, folks!
  • A Great Bartering Tool – 1-oz Silver coins will be harder to use in a barter situation for small, everyday items. On the other hand, Junk Silver coins break these quantities down to levels conducive for trading.
  • Lower Premiums – Since their value is based strictly on the silver content, Junk Silver coins sell for a much lower premium than, say, the American Silver Eagle.
What's in it for me? I am willing to do this FOR you and keep just 10% of your coins (one dime from every ten, for example) for my trouble but, considering how much you will have gained and will CONTINUE to gain for having made the decision to do something about your financial future, I'm sure you'll agree it's well worth it! Bear in mind, the amount of your payment will include shipping and taxes. Therefore, if you were to send me a check in the amount of, let's say, $200, your purchase amount would include Junk Silver coins, taxes and shipping and may not hit $200 on the nose. 

So, send me an eMail with "SILVER" in your Subject Bar. Include your Name, Address, Phone Number and the Amount you're interested in buying. I'll get in touch with your next step once you tell me how much of your paper currency you want to exchange.

You can do this yourself by calling any Precious Metals Dealer and placing your own order.

By the way, all of us should be exchanging cash for Gold, too. I recommend 1-Gram Karatbars Gold bullion! Talk about a bartering tool during an eco-collapse! Learn more about Karatbars HERE. You can open a FREE account today.

If you are looking for a big "Thank You" on Christmas, buy something that raises your popularity. If you want something of real value, buy Silver or Gold bullion. 

Tip o' the Day: DO NOT exchange paper play money for your gold jewelry! EVER! What a rip-off that is!

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

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