Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I recently received calls from three different couples regarding their money (before I say another word, you'd have to be me to realize how odd that is for a guy who once had to chase cats out of a dilapidated mobile home so I could live there despite having no hot water or electricity in half the house. Yes, God has TRULY favored and blessed me - PRAISE HIS NAME!). 

In these three situations, these were just plain folks, people had either received money from a divorce settlement, received a better-paying job, or wanting to do something smarter with their money than stick it in the local bank or a 401(k).

When each one revealed their plan, looking for confirmation from me, although their ideas were valid, each one neglected to include Gold, Silver and Grain.

How about you? 

I see nothing better than EXCHANGING increasingly worthless American Dollars for Gold Karatbars. Notice I did NOT use the words "buying" or "investing in." That's because that is NOT what you'd be doing. These are VERY user-friendly 1-gram bars of PURE Gold Bullion. In a bartering environment, just try to buy and sell with gold bars or rare coins (both of which are a GREAT way to store wealth until the economic disaster dust settles, if it does). These Karatbars are worth about $66 each... AND CLIMBING! Opening an account is FREE! Contact me at miketummillo@me.com and type "KB" in your Subject Bar. I'll help you get started TODAY!

Silver is being called "The Poor Man's Gold." I recommend us "Reg'lar folks" get what's referred to as "Junk Silver." Those are silver American coins dated BEFORE 1965. In a bartering system, tellers and cashiers will be trained to deal with these because of their high silver content while ignoring anything dated 1965 or newer. That could mean the difference between getting a gallon of milk or drinking water with your cereal. So, get silver. I've found a GREAT Texas contact. Let me know if you're interested. Write miketumillo@me.com and type "HiYO" in your Subject Bar.

Grain? It's actually doing better than Gold right now! Imagine owning an IRA wrapped around a ton or more of wheat, stored in an underground cave. Yes, you can wrap an IRA around grain... a far cry better than wrapping it around the Dollar! If an IRA doesn't interest you, you can fill some food grade buckets and store it at home. Let me know if you want details on grain. Write miketummillo@me.com and type "SILO" in your Subject Bar.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

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