Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The U.S. Dollar: 
Going, going...

Perhaps you've heard.

The dollar has all but lost its status as the world's reserve currency. It's being openly discussed by many nations who are agreeing to no longer do business using the not-so-mighty dollar. Very, soon, many nations will re-balance their currencies (revaluation and devaluation). Sadly, doing so will NOT mitigate the problem the U.S. has with its enormous debt.

According to the Constitution, our government is supposed to coin and mint its own currency. Unfortunately, over 100 years ago, a deal was made with a private group of businessmen now known as the Federal Reserve Bank. 

NEWSFLASH: It's not federal, it's not holding anything in reserve, and it isn't even a bank. This is NOT America's Central Bank! 

Anyway, this Federal Reserve Bank agreed to print and issue currency to the government BUT the government is obligated to pay them back (our tax dollars) using that same currency. In other words, the Federal Reserve sells us their currency and WE owe them for it. Huh? What genius came up with THAT?! In so doing, we will ALWAYS be in debt because there will NEVER be enough to pay it off. Every system based upon debt requires constant debt to be created, or the system implodes.

The world is keen to this nonsense! 

Alternatives? Some may ask, "What about an asset-backed currency - paper money backed by another asset?" 

Great idea, but WHAT asset? All the assets belong to other countries... and they want them back!

Will we resort to regional currencies, each town printing their own "Baytown Bucks" or "Dairyville Dollars"? It's happened before in these United States and elsewhere. It's happening again in communities all over the nation while some State governments have even proposed the idea.

Here's good news! 
A company called Karatbars International has introduced a concept the world has taken notice of. They offer small, user-friendly, 999.9% pure gold wafers, available through a Private Bullion Savings Program. They'll even pay commissions in gold on a loaded Debit card (I just received mine!) when anyone affiliated refers a friend who funds their own account! If you prefer NOT to receive commissions in gold, you don't HAVE to participate in that aspect of the program. Instead, simply exchange your worthless paper money for REAL gold as the mood hits you. Karatbars can either ship it to you, or store it FREE in their Swiss vault.

After 17 years in Germany, Karatbars launched its operations worldwide in the Summer of 2011. Immediately, nearly 80 nations embraced the concept along with multitudes of citizens of Planet Earth. In addition, Karatbars is working on a gold-backed credit card due for release next year, and tens of thousands of businesses have already taken notice, including some giant American businesses. Stay tuned!

In addition, if America resorts to a bartering system - as they already have in Greece - or we begin trading in gold as an alternative, or substitute to paper currency - those who hold Karatbars gold will be way ahead of the curve!

REMEMBER: I am not talking about investing in gold or buying gold. No, I'm talking about EXCHANGING paper currency for REAL money that starts increasing immediately after you make the exchange. Why are YOU holding on to any cash at all?

If you'd like more information, CLICK HERE.

Open your Karatbars Savings Account FREE by writing me at and typing "KB" in Your SUBJECT BAR. Let's get started today!

Insulate your family from what's coming down the pike - complements of our government's shenanigans. You can even THRIVE in the midst of a shattered economy when you play your cards right! It's time to act independently of the herd. There ARE things you can do to prepare NOW! Exchanging paper currency for Karatbars is one of them.

Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

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