Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Get ready, world! 
Are YOU ready for what's coming?
This is NOT a doom 'n gloom message. In fact, if this message is heeded, you can rest peacefully and weather anything the world tries to throw at you with dignity and confidence while having a calming effect on those within your own realm of influence. As a Christian, I can easily see how God could use us as we shine our light in the darkest hours.
While it's been reported 93% of Americans are unprepared for any level of emergency in which they might find themselves, lately, I have been very encouraged to hear from friends and relatives who proudly report on the gold, the grain, the silver, the water purification systems and the dried foods they've been storing. Good for them!
Following are LINKS confirming the most important reasons every American should be prepared for much harder days to come, especially before the end of 2012:

The European Union Is Officially History
In France, voters have elected socialist Francois Hollande (a known Bilderberg attendee), whose latest promise is to SPEND France into recovery through his “pro-growth agenda." That's like starving yourself to health, if you ask me...
How will this affect these United States?  
If you thought the Greek situation was a pain, just wait until the rest of the EU goes belly-up.
Spain is next in line...
Another major concern for Americans is Europe's forthcoming abandonment of the dollar.  Along with the BRICS nations, Francois Hollande has openly called for an end to the dollar’s world reserve status, and with a majority backing of the French people, he could easily make this happen, at least in France.  All it will take is for a few key countries to publicly, completely drop the dollar and its reputation as a safe haven investment will be a thing of the past.  This could very well happen before year's end.
QE3: Is this the End?
What is QE3? Before I answer that, we need to understand what QE1 and 2 were.
The short answer is QE3 stands for Quantitative Easing, Part 3. The Federal Reserve can stimulate the economy using any number of tools. Quantitative easing is just one of them.
The Federal Reserve can lower the interest rate.  If the rate is lower, banks will be more eager to lend money to other banks.  If the rate is zero or .25% above zero, it's time to dig a little deeper into the tool box.
What is QE1? That was the Wall Street Bailout. In that case, the Central Bank rushed in to help floundering too-big-too-fail businesses.
What is QE2? In 2010, the Federal Reserve decided the US economy was NOT growing fast enough. Unemployment was just over 9%, a few hundred banks had failed since '08, the price of gold was way up, homes were underwater.  So, the Fed decided to give the recovery a little boost.  They  bought lots of Treasury Bonds and, unlike QE1, QE2 didn’t have any specific goals in mind.
What is QE3? Nobody knows for sure.  Maybe the Federal Reserve will buy more T-bills. Maybe they will bail out banks again.  Nobody REALLY expects the US will ever pay back all those trillions.  Maybe QE3 is code for "start that printing press!"

Here's the bottom line: In this and many other nations, there has been no progress, no recovery, only the misrepresentation of statistics.  For example, millions of Americans have fallen off unemployment rolls - making the numbers look better - because they have been jobless for too long. That lowers the unemployment rate, but does NOT change the fact they are still unemployed. Get it? Durable goods orders are dropping, too.  U.S. credit has been lowered yet again.  With China making bilateral trade deals in numerous countries on the condition the dollar be dropped as the primary purchasing mechanism, and with the EU turning to economic mulch, their currency’s days are numbered.  
The Federal Reserve has already stated that any signs of “relapse” into recession (as if we were NOT already involved in one) will be met with all options on the table, including QE3: 
QE3 will likely be the last straw, triggering a mass movement to drop the dollar as the world reserve.  How exactly this will play out socially and politically, we can only guess.  The Fed will respond to the lack of treasury purchases by printing more worthless dollars in order to cover their own uncontrolled spending. The dollar will immediately lose a large portion of its value and here comes inflation.  Oil and energy prices will skyrocket. Doing any traditional business will become nearly impossible, and price inflation will dominate the lives and the minds of America's unprepared masses.
The amount of time it will take for these difficulties to unfold is also not clear.  What we are talking about here is a collapse scenario on a truly planetary scale.  Best advice? Assume the avalanche will move quickly.
Doomsday or just a Bad Day?
Personally, I am grateful for the huge, financial slap-in-the-face my wife and I received in 2008 when we were given a glimpse of the coming collapse. It was an awakening, causing us to re-think the physical storage of that we work so hard to obtain and, frankly, smarter things we should be doing with what God has blessed us with, rather than doing what comes naturally, following like lemmings that which has been engrained in the average citizen's DNA. Trading time for money, sticking it in a 401k, some local bank, or give it to some "expert" who is bound by the Fed's rules or is subject to the Stock Market. What were we thinking? 
It's time for a vast and subversive societal realignment that will force us to take a more aggressive stance in our fight for an economically and socially free America.
Financial disasters have always proven to be a convenient catalyst for a host of even more frightening obstacles, including civil unrest, and blatant totalitarianism. Many experts believe we are at the cusp of that.  It is one of those moments that people of later generations read about in awe, and sometimes horror.  
Doom and gloom? I don't believe so. Once you embrace the concept of the Law of Inevitability, you will se the “doom” is not in any event, but in our RESPONSE to that event.  How we act during the days that are coming will determine the darkness they will cast upon the future.  This is a test!  What's coming is not something to be dreaded; it's something to be seized upon, and dealt with, as great men and women before us have done. Many have become quite wealthy as a result of the way they positioned themselves after reading the writing on the wall.  
There you have it; now you know what's coming.  That, in itself, will help prepare many for their own success.
Are YOU prepared?
For Dried Food...
For User-friendly Gold bullion... 
For Preparation tips... 
Every blessing,
Michael Tummillo

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